Yesterday I was asked at last minute to cover a PRETTY big event. Battersea Power Station launch party. Around 1000 people attending, I couldn't tell you how much they spent on the venure, nor on the bands, nor on the food, nor on the free beverages they supplied, which I took enough advantage of, hey, I was supposed to be there as a guest anyway, although a disclaimer, I did not get drunk just some dutch courage.
It was 3pm. I was attending the event anyway but more for the free food and booze flowing around. I had 1 hour to gather my things and my thoughts and take a couple of quick pictures as I have never done this sort of thing before, hell I've never really used my flash before and found out as I was using it that it's not compatible with the 5D MKII or so it seemed so I was winging it blind.
It turned out ooooookay. Well I hope so & it may be another bow to my string or is that string to my bow.
This is definetly something that really doesn't interest me, but beggars can't be choosers and if I can get these kinds of gigs to pay the bills every now and again then, that's what it's all about. I wanted to say no, I nearly said no, that was just the fear inside me. Fight or flight. As it turns out, it was a good night, I met some people, maybe made some contacts. That leads me to another thing, schmoooozing. Ooooh Man. I just can't bring myself to do it, but you gotta, you gotta just get out there and take all the opportunities that come your way.
I want to be an amazing respected artist/photographer but that is going to take time and I have to climb that ladder. As with most things, unfortunately, it really is probably going to be a case of who you know, not what you know.
So. To everyone out there. Just Do It. You never know where it's going to lead, who you're going to meet, yada yada yada. Now. If I can only take my own advice I'm laughing.